Weekly Video Contest
How it Works
This April, we’re holding a weekly video contest on Instagram for the best videos taken of your experience at Tulip Town! They can be funny, sweet, or inspiring. It’s really up to you! The point is, we want to have some fun while spreading the tulip joy!
We’ll post our top 3 picks from the videos you submit each week and then hold a poll where our Tulip Town followers will vote for the winner! Winners will receive their choice of prize between (2) General Admission tickets for this season or next season OR a Tulip Town sweatshirt!
How to Participate
To Enter
Tag us @TulipTown and use the hashtag #tuliptownthrowdown when posting your video on Instagram (either in your feed or as a reel.)
To Vote
Visit our Instagram account and check our Stories each Friday to view the videos and cast your vote in the poll!

Contest Rules
- Your video must be taken at Tulip Town and during the 2023 season
- Your video cannot feature any inappropriate content or individuals who did not consent to be in the video.
- Video entries must be a video posted by you on your account and not shared from another account.
- By participating, you agree that we can share the video on our account for the purposes of voting.
Prize Distribution
We will announce our winner each Saturday at 9AM PST via Instagram Stories and also direct message the winner to coordinate prize distribution.